
About us

The Topé Project is named in memory of a 23-year-old care leaver who took his own life in 2010. His death had a profound impact on the young people who knew him, and after this tragic event, the group came together to look out for and support one another, particularly at Christmas.

As Christmas is often an isolating and difficult time for care leavers, this project aims to provide a supportive and welcoming Christmas event on 25th December 2012 to 70 care leavers in London, creating an opportunity for young people to build lasting friendships and contacts. This is an inclusive event and young people from all faiths are welcome to attend.

It is being led by a steering group of 12 individuals working across a wide range of organisations including the Greater London Authority, Barnardo’s Children’s Rights Service, City of London, Voice, the Challenge, the Cabinet Office and InSpire, and includes several care leavers.

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